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High-quality translation of medical instructions into Kazakh language

The translation of medical instructions for pharmaceuticals and medical devices into the official language demands a meticulous and responsible approach to the task at hand. In Kazakhstan, documentation related to pharmaceutical products must undergo a thorough expert assessment to ensure accuracy and compliance with legal requirements.

In Kazakhstan, the translation of instructions for medical use, packaging layouts for medicines and medical devices intended for registration in the country, along with the expert examination of the authenticity and adequacy of translations for all respective instructions, medical device specifications, packaging texts, and advertising materials, is conducted by the Department for Translation and Language Development at the National Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Devices, following established regulations.During translation, quite a few mistakes take place. For instance, some mistranslations include rendering the word “sterility” as «бедеулік» (which actually means infertility), “direct inoculation of a nutrient medium for crops” as “мәдинет құралдарын тікелей себу”. In medical product descriptions “жолсерік” is frequently used for the term “conductor” (while the accurate translation is “өткізгіш”), “diluted” is translated as “ажырасқан” instead of the correct “сұйылтылған”, “waste container” is translated as ” демалуға арналған сыйымдылық” and so on. In translation methodology, these errors are referred to as direct translation, and they constitute major mistakes.

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